Blame It On Me

I haven't written in this blog in a while. The time span between now and the last time I recorded an idea came to my attention when a friend mentioned that she use to read it frequently. I was immediately convinced to start back posting consecutively. I am no Steve Harvey, Dr. Phil, Oprah, or Dr. Oz, but I believe what I have to say must be heard. My experience is used to remind others they are not alone. The heart still breaks and the soul still feels weary. God's love is stronger than anything I've ever experienced and I figured  that same affection could be acquired through human beings, but I was wrong.  This post is in dedication to my friend's inquiry and warm heart instinct to give me a call just to say hello. 

Joe Thomas has always been one of my favorite RnB singers. I recently downloaded his latest album Bridges (2014) and I came across the song "Blame Her Broken Heart on Me" and saw myself in his lyrics. There's a line in the chorus that goes " You can blame her broken heart on me/ A heart of dust, and issues of trust, and insecurities...". I recently reconnected with an old girlfriend that pointed out that her perspective on courting relationships changed after we dated. We were young then, yet very much in love. What we had wasn't fully developed. We didn't understand the sacrifices and mental maturity we had to undergo before fully accepting the circumstances of our situation. I blamed her at first for us splitting up, but because of my experience and wisdom obtained over the last ten years, I was able to see my own fault upon the separation.

What most men don't understand is that women do what they do as a form of reaction. Due to our idiotic, egotistical, selfish actions, the female reacts in a way that would suffice her feelings, possibly making things even or finding some way to suppress what she really feels. A woman would attempt healing through sleeping with random men or swearing off relationships entirely, or even worst--marriage. 

I'm  going to go back further in the chain of male interaction and say that a woman's scared heart is subject to what relationship she has experienced with her father or one she has lacked. Not every father's a dead-beat, but even those who are family oriented sometimes beat chances at interacting with their kids to death. The relationship becomes nonexistent. It is our job not only as fathers, but as men to make sure that we are setting great examples for our girls.

Wiser women aren't the only ones they look to for standards. Our girls are looking to us men for guidance as far as what to look for in a husband, let along a boyfriend. Let's be the leaders God made us to be. Allow Him to filter qualities of courage, calmness, selflessness, kindness, and strength so that they can see Him through us. We may just be the only model they come across that establishes a foundation on which they will build their perspective of men. We may live to be 95, but we're only given one chance for "Everyone is but a breath, even those who seem secure " (Psalm 39:5). 

Be a light to the women in your life. If you're young, treat yourself with value as well as the females you have encounters with, for you both share the same heavenly parent. Shower her with love, understanding, and chivalry for she deserves it just as much as you do.  


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