
I'm suppose to write in my blog everyday, but most of the time, it's not that I can't find the urge, it's just that I REFUSE to. Just like my English 4950 professor said when she quoted a poet, "there's no such thing as writer's block". I always have something to write about.  I just don't feel like expressing them at the moment because they are just too personal. Our experiences should be shared so that others will notice the potholes in life before they step into them. God, sometimes, deliberately allows us to fall into them because He KNOWS we'll get out of them (due to him equipping us with the necessary strength to do so).  Two months ago, i found out that I had kidney stones (small ones) and they hurt so much at times. The pain would radiate, being mild one moment and stinging aggressively the next.  Stress would contribute to the pain and i would try to relieve it by exercising and lying down, but neither one really did the job. One morning, i was sitting in one of my literature classes and my side was aching very badly. I grabbed it, looked up towards the ceiling and said," Please take this away in the name of Jesus". Guess what? At that time being, it stopped! I was about to leave class, but it allowed me to stay for the remaining of the period.  Wow, right? The problem was that i didn't hold on to that faith as long as i should have. We're suppose to believe in God at ALL times.  I think of my stones and real stones come to mind. I picture being dragged to the bottom of the ocean with a bag of stones tied to my waist. This physical pain has caused me to focus so much on the physical aspect of life (which is temporary) and no longer on God who represents longevity (and eternity).  All he that we believe. Medicine will not cure me. Only God can. My prayer is that not only do i fully rely on Him for my physical health, but for EVERY aspect of my life (which can be quite complicated). If you place your life in God's hands (your creator, your father, the ambassador of your soul, protector of your spirit) what's the worst that can happen? Nothing. Give God everything and it will become the best investment you ever make in your life.


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