"Waiting on The Otherside..."

Ever feel like that which you want is getting further out of reach? I think of someone riding my back with a stick extended in front of me tied to the very thing I'm striving to obtain. Though I am moving forward, the distance between the object and my finger tips isn't decreasing. I ran into my cousin's mother-in-law and she was asking when do I plan on moving to Augusta. I stated that I'm trying to get here and she replied that it will be done in due time. Indeed it will, but when will that be? You begin to question the timeline when so much time has passed already.

You find yourself waiting year after year for change as you work towards your goal, making sacrifices, ridding yourself of pleasantries for substance of the future. Staring at our plans, we have the tendency to sigh, looking at other people reach the potential of their aspirations way before we initiate the thought of our own. So easy to say that they are better off because they have something you don't. Honestly, based off of your envy, they probably do. That thing is called patience.

I can honestly say that I'm a very patient person. This virtue is probably my strongest suit. It allows me to listen to people to develop full pictures of their personal view points. Listening to my friends granted me access to their inner thoughts and everyday doings since I don't see them often.  Waiting in line at Walmart and holding on the phone in attempt to get in contact with a representative becomes a momentary vacation, leading me off into some random, mental space. There are times you assume that your patience is strong enough to endure any situation until something else comes along to test it's solidity.

While driving home once from work (30 minute drive), I was stuck in slow-moving traffic, hungry, eager to get home and grab a bite. The problem was that I couldn't eat just yet, for I had to get to the gym before I could have dinner. Constantly looking at the clock, I would exhale mild frustration, wishing that things would resolve quickly. One thing that I had to consider was that maybe this delay was keeping me from something that would cause harm to me and somebody else. Has that ever crossed your mind? Maybe God is causing friction to keep you from damaging an opportunity. Though He wants you to be happy, receiving every blessing that's due to you, He refuses to jeopardize that by granting you access to it out of season.

No matter the size of your situation, whether it is your kids, your job, or any major aspect of your life, our patience is always due for an upgrade.  There are many things that we want--a new house, a new car, a chance at creating something , or simply having freedom to enjoy ourselves. Though we are taking steps forward, if it isn't apart of His will, the obstacles in front of you will not be circumstantial , but extremely necessary. They are the equivalent to a parent grabbing your hand as an infant before making your way somewhere you shouldn't be and saying "No!"

Like a child, we see that which we want and grab for it. Unfortunately, we get that way with people, especially someone else's marital spouse. Our impatience sometimes causes us to breech covenants, disappointing people we love and most importantly, the one person who loves us inevitably. You've been waiting a long time now. You see the end results of your labor and you're eager to collect your earnings. I ask that  you keep waiting because God is making room in your life for you to receive it.  Your cup maybe too small at the moment or even cracked. Let Him prepare it so that when you do have it in your possession, you'll be able to share its fullness with no leaks.


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