"Lose Yourself" in New Challenges

Snap back to reality,
oh, there goes gravity...
-Eminem, "Lose Yourself"
That's the first thing that came to mind when my sister left to go back home after the holidays. I barely see her. When we were kids, all we had to do was go to our rooms and we could see each other in the morning. I was more annoying back then, so that wasn't good for her (lol) . Now, kissing her on the cheek, accompanied with a tight hug isn't enough. Spending time with her back in 2016 was awesome. She signed me up for swimming classes, took me out to the Edgar Allen Poe Museum,  and even invited me to one of her lectures to a class on social health. It was pretty cool. 
My other sister left a few days before she did. I usually see her once every few months, especially if we have a 5k to attend. We've done two since November. Even now, as I type, I pause, thinking of how much fun I have when I'm in their presence. Maybe it's the nostalgic feeling of having them home, being accessible. They have busy schedules and personal lives to continue, so it's quite understandable that we can't share those moments all of the time. I love them to death and it's always a pleasure to hear them talk, even If all I do is listen. I finally got a chance to interview them for The Glory in Our Stories , a podcast I started this past year for the sake of sharing people's stories with the world. It was one of the best and probably the longest one I've done. Tune in this Saturday to hear more about them, for they are featured on Episode 19.
Well, the new year is here. Today marks the second day of January. It appears that things have started off well. The Georgia Bulldogs won at the Rose Bowl and will now be competing for the National Championship. Red, black and white will be plastered all over my timeline. I'm not looking forward to seeing it, for I am not a fan of football, but I do respect the game and the fans' commitment. Basketball gets my interest, especially the NBA. I haven't been able to sit down and watch a full game since Kobe retired. I couldn't miss that. I was telling my brother recently that I've gained more respect for the Spurs as a team than I have the Lakers. Gregg Popovich developed a system where everyone contributed opposed to having the offense center around a hand full of players. Much respect goes to "The Black Mamba", but the venom from a strong team spreads evenly throughout the host and kills it completely. It may be slow, but it's surely progressive and consistent.
I'm certain the gyms will be full come this evening. I'll be in there working on upper body strength, for I, too, have plans for this year. Getting in better shape is one of them as well as making better financial decisions. I've done well over the past few years, but there's always a voice inside saying, you can do better. Traveling is very much at the top of the list of things to do. I've been contemplating grad school for the past two years, so it's time that I put that into action. I also plan on getting two more tattoos (one large and one small ).  There was a list on my wall of 11 things I wanted to accomplish last year. I've only completed 5 (almost 50% done). It's time that the remaining items be marked off as well.
A lot has happened in 2017. The podcast was initiated, I started back tutoring, I was introduced to youth ministry, my sebaceous cyst was removed from my back after being dormant for eight years, and I witnessed my girlfriend buy her first car after nearly a decade. A lot of downfalls occurred, such as losing two friends to Facebook, actually losing a friend due to suicide, and not completing a project with two other artists. Seeing God through all of this has become more evident in hindsight. He's protected me from so much. That's why I'm here, alive, typing out one of my many blog entries. Expressing myself so fluidly is something I never would have imagined.
Being 32 is such a blessing. I'm looking forward to what this year has to offer. I hope to grow close to my father as well as my other sisters and brothers. I hope to continue the podcast as well as do more interviews with numerous individuals. I was reminded from a friend that I should promote myself more. I've never been a fan of doing so, but I realized that I'm doing a great disservice to myself and others if I don't. This coming Sunday, I will be interviewing three women on the subject of womanhood titled "Shut Up and Listen!" I will be having a roundtable discussion with women from several different backgrounds, inquiring about their personal perspectives. I seek to gain more understanding of the woman's experience as well as give them the opportunity to express their view points.
My advice? I know you're thinking, what gives you the right to give any? Well, I've been alive 32 years, which means I know some stuff (lol). I know not everything, but enough to share. I will sum up my advice in two words--be yourself.  Some will like you, some will hate you. Many just won't care. Pay attention to those that challenge you and aim to make you maximize your potential. Stay close to those that love you, especially when you're covered in your own faults. They'll be the ones willing to help clean the mess and expose your true value. Learn to listen, learn to give, learn to accept and learn to say no. Again, accept yourself the way God made you and everything else will flow naturally. Enjoy your day, do something that scares you, and aim to be better than you were five minutes ago. 


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