The Brick Wall
When's the last time you've hit one? Are you staring at one as you read this? If so, you are not alone. Trust me. I'm facing one myself. It feels pretty solid. Looks like someone took some time to make sure it didn't budge, creating separation between where I am and where I want to be. As always, I was not expecting it. Who does, right? Especially when you've made plans from the beginning. I was interviewing someone the other day about having to deal with situations we didn't ask to experience. It makes us ask, why, God? Why this, why now, why me?
Imagine facing an obstacle , knowing that something on the other side awaits your decision. You can climb over, go around, or break through. The funny thing is that most of the time, it's not other people that are asking about our next step, but God himself. If we tune in and listen, we can hear Him ask, so, what are you going to do? I'm certain we want to respond with, who , me? I thought you were the one that handles this! He is, but His response is, will you let me? Do we actually trust the will of God to process that which we don't understand? I need a new car, but I lost my job. I need surgery, but my insurance was canceled. I want to apply for a Masters program, but my GPA isn't high enough due to my undergrad transcript from five years ago (did I hit home for anyone yet?). God is aware of the these blocks of brick. Our discouragement is preventing us from remembering his brilliance when it comes to getting us through opposed to getting us out.
What if God gave you the ability to leap tall walls in a single bound or equipped you with enough strength to stop a locomotive (I know you see where I'm going with this)? He has, in a sense. That's why He asks what we are going to do because He's waiting for a decision. We can choose ourselves, or choose Him to work through us so we can work through this. This isn't the end. Remember that, especially if you're still breathing. Once you get here, recall how far you've come to arrive at this very moment. Embrace the memory of all the other walls you've faced previously. If you can do it once, twice, you can do it again. Never underestimate the you God put in you. You were crafted well and strategically, knowing that one day, you would face an opposing force with no other objective then to end your progress.
Personally, despite the obstruction I see, I'm not hindered by it. I've been given a spirit to continue, not cease. There's great evidence of my growth between where I was and where I am. I believe God will allow the same between where I am and where I plan to be. A wall doesn't mean He said no. It actually means despite it, you will move forward, but you have to be stronger...and He wouldn't ask anything of you that you are incapable of delivering. Don't be faint in heart, my friends. It is not an obstacle, but an opportunity. Take it. Seize it. Failing isn't quitting, but conquering the possibility of trying at all. That's what eats me up. If I don't make an attempt, I feel that I've wasted time and energy. I'm going to quote Doc Brown from Back to The Future (III) by saying that in the process of preparing your future, "make it a good one". Let God work through you so that you can work through this barricade.
Imagine facing an obstacle , knowing that something on the other side awaits your decision. You can climb over, go around, or break through. The funny thing is that most of the time, it's not other people that are asking about our next step, but God himself. If we tune in and listen, we can hear Him ask, so, what are you going to do? I'm certain we want to respond with, who , me? I thought you were the one that handles this! He is, but His response is, will you let me? Do we actually trust the will of God to process that which we don't understand? I need a new car, but I lost my job. I need surgery, but my insurance was canceled. I want to apply for a Masters program, but my GPA isn't high enough due to my undergrad transcript from five years ago (did I hit home for anyone yet?). God is aware of the these blocks of brick. Our discouragement is preventing us from remembering his brilliance when it comes to getting us through opposed to getting us out.
What if God gave you the ability to leap tall walls in a single bound or equipped you with enough strength to stop a locomotive (I know you see where I'm going with this)? He has, in a sense. That's why He asks what we are going to do because He's waiting for a decision. We can choose ourselves, or choose Him to work through us so we can work through this. This isn't the end. Remember that, especially if you're still breathing. Once you get here, recall how far you've come to arrive at this very moment. Embrace the memory of all the other walls you've faced previously. If you can do it once, twice, you can do it again. Never underestimate the you God put in you. You were crafted well and strategically, knowing that one day, you would face an opposing force with no other objective then to end your progress.
Personally, despite the obstruction I see, I'm not hindered by it. I've been given a spirit to continue, not cease. There's great evidence of my growth between where I was and where I am. I believe God will allow the same between where I am and where I plan to be. A wall doesn't mean He said no. It actually means despite it, you will move forward, but you have to be stronger...and He wouldn't ask anything of you that you are incapable of delivering. Don't be faint in heart, my friends. It is not an obstacle, but an opportunity. Take it. Seize it. Failing isn't quitting, but conquering the possibility of trying at all. That's what eats me up. If I don't make an attempt, I feel that I've wasted time and energy. I'm going to quote Doc Brown from Back to The Future (III) by saying that in the process of preparing your future, "make it a good one". Let God work through you so that you can work through this barricade.
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