
So I'm scared of snakes. I'm not a fan of them...at all. I hate the way they move. So unexpectedly. You don't know if they're going or coming after you. When you spot them from a distance, it stops you in your tracks. When you don't and they're inch away from your legs, you wish to dash as quickly as possible. I've never seen a large one up close, but I'm certain they vary in size, length, and degree of poison. I've never touched one, killed one, or captured one. I don't plan on it anytime soon...or ever! Funny how I've become afraid of something I'm not familiar with in the least.

A Facebook friend posted a picture of a black snack in his back yard. He stated the snake was no longer than 8 feet long. 8 feet! That snake is taller than Shaq, taller than Gannis! He didn't feel too threatened because he stated having a snack like that is good for killing rodents. As a homeowner, from what I understand, you don't want rodents in your house, especially when you have children. The snake is doing great service to this man and his family.  He's not focused on what it can do to him, but for him, despite it's reputation.  How many of us can do the same? Not me, unfortunately. That must change.

I can't promise that I won't freak out if I see something slithering in the grass this season. The sight of it's elongated body will send shivers down my back and sweat across my forehead, leaving me more scared than eating mac n' cheese during Thanksgiving without taking lactose pills. They have yet to appear close to the porch or near my car. I haven't found one under the hood or tucked above a tire. Maybe they're trying to stay warm or cool. Who knows. I can't blame them for being reptilian, adapting to their environment they best way they know how. Us blacks were like that at some point...and still are. Many whites have accepted that we are all in the same, just different shades. They realized we could do more for each other instead of against.

Let the snake be, I say to myself. If it threatens to strike, then I will act. If not, why bother? They are keeping away the mice and other potential threats because they, too, have to eat. Unofficial protectors. Reminds me of J'onn J'onzz, also known as Martian Manhunter (DC Comics). J'onn is able to mimic any form of life, but when he's in his natural state, he looks like your typical alien. He knows many won't accept him that way, so he disguises himself as someone who's nonthreatening. He seeks to protect people who have a reputation for seeking war and harming others. He's very powerful, yet uses it for good. It's funny that we forget that even Superman is an alien.

We fear the unknown, the unfamiliar. Not certain of it's effect on us. Will it harm us, or worst...kill? If we stick to statistics, then yes, it will, every time, sometimes without ever touching us. If we treat creatures this way, imagine how we treat each other. We're so quick to deny a stranger access to our space if it means they might ruin it. Don't we do that to God? We want Him close enough to have when we need Him, but far away when we don't. We underestimate just how much He protects us. God is not a snake, yet we treat Him as such, including everyone else. I usually try to include a resolution, but at this point, it's hard to think of one, especially when incidents such as this are pending. Let's just aim to change. Better yet, let's just...change.


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