Pro-Love a God of love, for "He so loved that world that He gave His only begotten son" (John 3:16). Typical verse about a non-typical sacrifice. Let me ask you this: If God allowed His son to die on the cross, does that NOT make God pro-life? The argument these days is saying that lives matter both in and out of the womb. A law has been passed that any birth termination at 6 weeks of pregnancy or higher is punishable by prison or death. I'm personally pro-life not just due to personal experience, but my belief. What I say can be tarnished by the so-called Christian reputation America appears to uphold since before African American slavery.  At one point,  slave masters were convincing their slaves the life they were enduring were justifiable in biblical context. How can one trust the decision of a government that once thought we were three-fifths human?

I will not post out of anger. I refuse to be bombarded by people thinking with a narrow perspective. Even this blog isn't a safe place, but it's a place for me to voice my opinion as a man. I cannot speak on behalf of women. That is not my place and I will never do so. One day, I may have a daughter and I will never understand her walk. One thing I'm certain of is my influence as a man, her father. As a man, I cannot speak on her behalf, but I can show. Our actions as men play a major part in the livelihood of women, let alone the feminist movement. It's not that women are subsiding us completely, but are encouraging us to consider their experiences. A woman stated yesterday that we as men should be allies, not aggravated beings thinking the world evolves around masculinity. If whites could side with us as Freedom Riders in the early 60's, why can't we do the same for our fellow women?

My fiance and I decided to pray every morning a little after 7 am. I'm usually on my way to work and she's still in bed, for she works a later shift. This morning, my prayer was for our system of men dismissive of love, not just life. Do we consider the young ladies who are raped and impregnated against their will, even after consent of intercourse? Are we men held accountable for the act as well? I am indeed pro-life to answer your question, but I'm not for such extremity that dissolves the mother's value and perspective on the circumstance. God's love is unconditional. Our's appears to be quite the contrary. If God hasn't killed us by now for making such choices in the past, why should we start? Where is the grace and mercy we speak so highly of in court systems, which are the same ones that have granted freedom to those committing grand crimes and locked up others for doing something of far less consequences.

It's realistic to say that we will never get it right, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't aim to do right. That's on my agenda. Women, I make a vow to be of great good to you. Don't worry about me making decisions against your approval. Don't worry about me invading your space, disregarding your voice, and assuming I am of greater value. I am on your side...and so is God. Continue to press on and press through. Your fight will not happen in vain. Your children will be born into a world where hope is accessible if I have anything to do with it. Let's continue to promote love, whether a child is just developing a heartbeat or characterized as having undeveloped brains outside of the womb. A life deserves opportunity, despite normality.


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