Miss This Season, Really?

I've been working at my current job for going on four years now. Four years! I resigned from my previous job in November of 2015. I was jobless for a month before getting this current position. It was one of the most blissful experiences because I got a chance to spend time with my immediate family...during the holidays for the first time in seven years. I'm certain many others have gone longer, but for me, that was three years shy of a full decade. It was long enough. Leaving that job couldn't have come any sooner. Yesterday, I found myself walking the isles of my previous place of employment, becoming nostalgic for the environment...only for a moment.

How did I get here? Keep in  mind, readers, I hated that place. Leaving at my scheduled time felt better than anything else, especially during busy hours. The managers were expecting me to finish my tasks completely before clocking out, but it was impossible. Highly unrealistic. Once I left, I told myself there would be nothing to miss about this place. I was wrong. Since I've started working here, I've gotten sick (sinus infections) several times, my sleep pattern is off, and I've gained weight. Not a lot, but enough to notice. Visiting the vending machine has become a perk opposed to a punishment. My anxiety levels have increased and I've only been here a couple of years. It does play into me finally accepting what I tolerate and do not. Maturity brings that about like a superpower finally revealing itself.

Adrianne, my fiance, mentioned that for each season that passes, one becomes reminiscent of the previous period. Sitting at my desk, typing and answering phones creates a longing for standing on my feet for six to eight hours and napping on my thirty minute breaks. There are some things that good health benefits and vacation time can't compensate, like one's sanity. Many people walk in and out of different places, causing a turn-over rate that raises eyebrows for those wishing to grow in a specific department. I don't oppose climbing the success ladder, but sometimes, I miss the other roofs I found myself walking upon. Things always appear more simple in reference to where you were, but you were less developed. Imagine going back to regain the same mindset you acquired five or six years ago? Would you be happy? Probably not.

Things look good from the outside, but once you break down the internal, you find yourself thankful to be currently uncomfortable. That's where God wants us to be anyway. He wants us being comfortable in the uncomfortable because that way He is glorified for getting you through it. he wants us to need Him. I definitely need him in this season because I've never been tested this intensely. The man I'm going to be needs me to be the best man now, making good decisions that would benefit our future (yes, I said our, including my present and future self). The fact is that one day I will miss this slot in time, but not entirely. Making great choices now will make my next season great (sowing great seeds now to reap later). I miss childhood, but I wasn't able to drive and pay to eat out. I miss college, but I was dropping courses and not taking chances. I will miss this place, but I won't miss the negativity and toxicity from such unlikely sources. I will push through and come out the other side, strong, ready.


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