Don't Worry 'Bout All Dat

 Moses is called to free the children of Israel.  He speaks to Pharaoh , by which he refuses to free God's oppressed people. God sends plagues varying from frogs to famine. Pharaoh finally submits and off towards the Red Sea they go. Pharaoh changes his mind before chasing after them. They cross the "dry", Red Sea before God closes the walls of water on Pharaoh. The end, right? Nope.

So this is how Moses' story relates to a recent encounter I had. I will say that I personally had no business interfering with the conversation, but it was on a public domain (Facebook). The context of the exchange between two people was about calling someone a racist. This r-word (to me) is about as sharp (at least to me) as the other r-word (rape). Calling someone either one means they have actions or words justifying the classifications. Jumping in to defend the accuser, I asked if they had done anything in particular to be categorized as a racist. I was then confronted as someone who didn't know the accused well enough to gather the assumption. Honoring that fact was unavoidable. It was at that moment I heard an internal voice saying don't worry 'bout all dat

Earlier before that incident, I was involved in a similar situation where people attacked me for inquiring about someone being called (yet again) a racist. The wise thing would have been to don't worry 'bout all dat, but I felt compelled (outside of my spirit) to inform this Facebook group of a different side of the argument. Since I wasn't there to support their cause, they questioned my affiliation. Why am I here, I thought to myself. It's like entering the conversation about killing birds when I have one as a pet and don't plan on ending its life. Offering a perspective on how valuable their life is would help them see things from a different angle, but if they are not willing to receive it, then what? The war of resistance isn't for me to fight, but for God

Moses was called to free the children of Israel...for God had the rest handled.You do your part, I do mine. I wouldn't have appointed you...if I knew you couldn't execute (Exodus 3:10-16). Israel will be free, don't worry 'bout all dat. We need to hear that sometimes, especially when our doubt and insecurity creates a barrier between us and our blessings. The battle is not ours, but God's (2 Chronicles 20:15). Waiting for His counseling is best than to lean upon our own and risk killing that which matters most--the relationship. I couldn't end the argument in both situations. They weren't about me. They weren't for me either. We've heard our parents, uncles, and aunts say , Stay out of grown folks business. I can imagine God saying, Stay out of your father's business. Do as I say, for I know the plans I have for you

If you ask me where I stand on social issues, I'll tell you, but I won't fight you over them. You have an do I. We don't need to duke it out only to find we were both wrong. If you wish to pursue that route and you're expecting some push back, don't expect me to entertain your zeal. Unless God compels me to be involved, there's no need for me to worry 'bout all dat.


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