"You will never be...a god."-Loki (Avengers: Infinity War- 2018)
That line didn't make sense to me until I woke up this morning. Driving to work from home, I started thinking about the significance of Thanos vs. God Himself. I still get emotional when I watch Endgame because at that point, we had a sense of loss from the previous Avengers movie. People have been wiped out due to Thanos' "purpose" and killed , declared casualties of grace (according to Thanos). Thanos didn't mind killing people, even if the death of his beloved daughter granted him one step closer towards completing what he felt he was called to do. Many of us mimic the same mindset. We think we are the only ones capable of creating radical change for the greater good, but that role...wasn't made for us to fill. We were created with just enough gumption, strength, and wisdom to know we will never be strong enough to carry the weight of life. That's when God steps in...flesh and spirit. Not a god , but the God.
Thanos believed the best way to set things in correct balance was to annihilate 50% of all living creatures in the universe. "Too many mouths, not enough to go around", he stated. Last time I checked, God is the God of taking " five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven" where " he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over" (Matthew 13:13-21). Sad to say this, knowing the nature of this iconic anti-hero, but Loki was right, Thanos would " never be a god". He made a sacrifice for the sake of survival, while God made a sacrifice for the sake of souls and relationships.
God loves. He is patient, He is kind. He is generous, merciful and full of grace. He embodies truth, the light, the way...complete opposite of Thanos. His hunger for the stones was so great that it nearly killed him, while God sent His son to be killed so that all could be better. I understood Thano's end, but not his means. That could have been done a different way...if he truly was God, but he wasn't...and never will be.
Forget collecting stones. If anything, it takes stones to trust in someone you can't physically see or touch. The promises of Thanos didn't benefit those he killed, but only those who (by chance) remained alive. The promises of God benefits everyone, granting all the opportunity to receive salvation, to have all things work together for the good of those who love Him...and are called according to His purpose. Many were disposable to Thanos, while many are dependable to God, for He knows what we're capable of...because He created us.
If anything , have peace knowing what you want in the future was taken care of before you were born. Be concerned with matters of today, realizing today's promises were taken care of yesterday. Dr. Tony Evans mentioned today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday. Here we are. We are okay. We are alive. We are prepared to receive God's promises of growth, hope, and pure assurance.
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