Superman (sitting on a cloud)

A few months ago, while the spring semester was still in session at Augusta State, I went out and bought both All-Star Superman volumes and I love them! I love the picture of Superman sitting on a cloud with his strong jaw resting on his shoulder, looking at us, the readers. It's if he's know...chilling...with no worries or regrets. He's finally taken the time (even if it's 5 minutes) to relax. That's one thing many of us don't do. We don't take the time to come to a halt and look around us, take in the moment and accept it for what it is. We're so involved in our troubles and worries that we don't have time to get lost in the clouds, knowing that it's something that we need. Sometimes doing for others can be tiring and stressful, but it's the sacrifice that makes us stronger, gives us power in areas of our personal lives that we lack as human beings. I believe that strength comes from God.. When you have an opportunity, just sit back, relax, cop a squat on a cloud (or couch, whatever you like to call it) and take time for yourself because God is always there to help, for he helps those who helps themselves. Unlike Superman, your strengths don't come from the Sun, but from an external force that you tap into once you subside your physical self.


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