Hide and Seek
Have you ever lost yourself and found yourself looking for...well...yourself? Confusing , isn't it?There are moments in our lives when we go outside the norm (our routines) and enter what many prefer to as a slump. It's a downward spiral that gets dipper until we hit rock bottom (hurting others as well as ourselves). It has gotten to the point that it's no longer about US, but EVERYONE around us. It's common for us to say, "No, it's about me because I"M THE ONE with the problem!" Yes, that's true, but your problem, believe it or not, plays a factor in everybody elses life. Most of the time, they are not conscious of it until it ultimately affects them. It may cause them physical , emotional, and spiritual harm. You then become the negative aspect of their being, thus causing them to examine their own life, highly considering your utter disposal. That sucks having to be removed from something because your problem is causing a problem for some else, leaving you stuck with the same problem you had to begin with. I could go on about how we're all apart of a plan God has constructed ultimately to save our souls and reach out to those who are lost (in the world, but never to far away for God's reach). You must understand that you're never lost. You can be the happiest person in the world or the most upset, ungrateful, wretch that even a bum would demise because that's exactly where God wants you to be, leaving you with one alternative-continue to suffer through materialistic happiness that's momentary and drown yourself in self-degrading proclamations or turn to Him and allow the true essence of joy to overflow your soul. He puts us in situations not to make us fail, but to show others that we will triumph because of our undeniable faith in Him. Our suffering is an example. I know it's impossible to see while swimming in the deep end of it, but it gives the shallow-end-swimmers a chance to boost their confidence through our experience. If you do indeed feel that you are lost, God has already found you. He's just waiting for you to follow his guiding light unto stable ground.
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