Picture This...

Riding in your car late one night after work. The back of your head is against the head rest, causing your chin to rise and your eyes to look downward as you pay close attention to the road. You let out a big sigh as you past closed fast food restaurants and dark corner convenience stores. You're listening to "Tomorrow Never Knows" by The Beatles on a mixed CD. You ask yourself," Why am I alive?" It's a question that you've asked yourself numerous times over the past year. The street lights are flashing through the wind shield as you past them, getting closer to your destination where a soft pillow awaits you dreams. Once you get to your complex or house, you notice that the next song is "Wake Up!" by John Legend and The Roots, featuring Melanie Fiona and Common. That couldn't have been more ironic, right? If it ever gets to the point that you have to ask yourself, "Why am I still alive?", something is wrong my friend and it's time for you to fix it before any sudden day becomes your last.  Most often, we find ourselves in metaphoric rooms with no doors, no windows. We assume that we're stuck, whether its a job, a relationship, or just a psychological setback. Yes, there are somethings that we can't control, but we can manipulate our counter attacks and how we handle the outcome. If you can manage (and yes, i know it's hard),try to stay positive and remember that God is always in control.  Remember that he saw the situation before you were in it, He knows how you're going to handle it, and He knows it will benefit you in the future. The answer to your question is simply this: God has something planned for you. Something that your body won't be able to contain. He has a mission that specifically set aside for you to accept and achieve. So when you feel as if you're dragging yourself on a floor made of broken glass, looking up to find no hands to help you up, no smiles to grant you hope, and no hearts to love you, remember that God has already equipped you with what you need so that you can get THROUGH and not completely REMOVED. Their will be pain and suffering, but it's always darkest before that beautiful sun peaks its golden head over the eastern horizon. God loves you, my friend. You are His child, His creation. Remember that you're capable of much more than this world gives you credit for.  I thought of this small poem and I thought I should share.


God says, "Follow me",
so I follow Him and I smile.

God says, " Trust me",
so I trust Him and I am happy.

God says, " Love me",
so I love Him and I have joy.

God says,"Me" ,
So I put Him first and I have everything.

Living this life is hard, but you can make it as lovely as you want it to be. You just have to change your perspective. Take your time if you can, have fun, and don't place to much emphasis on making haste. God is in control. Have a great day and remember to pray.


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