The Best That You Have

Most of us find ourselves in dead end jobs that we simply can't enjoy. Our annoying coworkers and customers with bad attitudes aren't making things any easier. The words "Today just might be the day that I quit" exit your mouth on many occasions, whether its at the break room table, the bathroom stale, or while you're on the job. Things will be easier if you were doing what you love doing, but sometimes it doesn't come easy, especially for college students.  We all have to do things that we don't want to do, especially at work. You're going to run into people who make things extremely difficult for you to be the pure hearted person that God made you to be. My advice to you is to hang on in there because your reward is coming sooner than you think. You may say, "Well I've been doing this for years and no just reward has been appointed to me." Well, maybe you have to change your attitude. If you're working simply for the sake of receiving something, gaining nothing else from your experience, then you're going to be greatly disappointed because Man in general is very stingy when it comes to sharing success. I like basketball a lot. I didn't start watching it until middle school. I actually remember being at a friend's house when Michael Jordan hit the shot against the Jazz that shut the whole stadium up back in '98. I've never seen an athlete (or anyone, for that matter) dedicate so much energy and determination towards a goal. The funny thing was that Michael wasn't just playing to win, he was playing because he enjoyed the game of basketball. Yes, he had great interest in baseball, but on the court is where he shined above all. What If i told you that God wants you to perform like Michael Jordan in all things that you do, big or small? Out of the question, right? Not really. God wants us to understand that our rewards don't come from man, but from Him. He advices us to follow the orders of our superiors, but HE'S the one that's in charge. HE has the last say so. Anita Baker is my favorite female, R and B singer and one of my favorite songs from her is " Giving You The Best That I Got". She's telling her loved one that she's giving her all. It may not be enough to him, but it's everything to her, and when he sees how much she loves him, he'll be willing to give it all back in return. That's the general idea. The thing about God is that He wants you to give your all so that you can get all that you deserve...and more.  Waking up every morning maybe hard. Seeing the same faces every day maybe irritating, but remember that you're not doing it for them or really yourself, but for God. Yes, God doesn't need anything from you, let a long your full work ethic at a job you dislike. He wants more for you, not Himself. So, don't think of it as giving your job your all, but giving your all to Him. Think of it as a way of letting Him know how appreciative you are that He woke you up that morning in a comfortable bed, allowed you to drive a car that you own, and work at a job that could have hired thousands of other applicants, but chose YOU instead. You're truly blessed, my friend, and if you're going to do something, not knowing when it'll be your last day, give it your best shot.


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