The Ted Talk (Poem)

The Ted Talk

Theodore Robert Bundy
-Active serial killer from 1974-1978,
Confessed to murdering nearly 30 women,
expected to have murdered many more...

I imagine you standing
On stage, creased pants,
Perfect jacket, shirt, and tie,
Smiling.  No prison bars
Or small box to climb through
After losing weight to fit
And escape for 60 days,
Nor a window to jump
Out of and dash for the mountains.
We are ears and hearts,
Wishing one was removed,
For the details might stop the other.

You tell us how little you cared
For a twelve-year-old girl
Who will never grow for college
Where you would gnash
If her body wasn’t accessible.
You’re no Hannibal, but a monster
That likes to tease.  The blood
Orange Beetle didn’t give you away.
It was the one that got away
From the handcuffs,
But your girlfriend stayed
As you wrestled the devil
Until he blessed you.
You didn’t resist hiding the victims
For the animals to do
What you couldn’t.

Maybe you were upset
That no matter how much
You bound them,
They always belonged to God,
That His promises beyond
Your hands around their throats
Made your spree obsolete.
Beyond the dirt, teeth,
And bones lies a rescue
You lack control
Of stopping.

You tell us you were famous,
Changing hair and cars.
The newspaper exhibited
Your feats in red and black font—-
a comic book strip
Where the hero
Was either always a few search dogs behind
Or never showed up.
Were you that quick, that hungry?
You don’t answer. Over thirty women
were never again seen
Or heard. Their timeline
Will always stop
Before you didn’t,
Insisting they place your pleasures
In their fate, face to mask,
Or none at all. Did they see you
Before they saw no more?
Did your eyes turn to black tar,
Swallowing every scream and struggle?

You’re laughing.
Cameras are saying
That ladies love cool Bundy,
Despite the bite marks
In the photo evidence
And your defense team
Unwilling to commit.
Maybe if Johnny Cochran
Joined the circus nineteen years
Before the great American OJ Show, 
"Race Vs. DNA", 
We would have seen
The most amazing trick
Never done.

You didn’t need a lawyer
Nor jury, just a chance
To prove the world
That your charisma
Was a Visa card
Never maxed out
At the expense of buying enough time
To pretty up your bull crap.
If we all had our way,
Once you die in Florida,
Hell will be waiting
To help you remember
What you really are.

-Calvin W. Pennywell Jr.  (2019)


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