Met Them Where They're At

I'll meet you halfway, is what most of us say to make sure we don't have to go farther than what was initially intended, whether we're traveling or paying for services. What if meeting half way was not an option? What if you had to extend yourself beyond comfort and control? Would you be willing to go that far...for someone you really care about? That's what God did and is continuing to do for us. I'm not sure if you remember Superman Returns (2006). There's a scene where Superman saves Lois, their son, and Lois' boyfriend from drowning in a boat. He reaches out his hand, and literally carries all three of them (of course, because he's Superman). Get this...while he's holding on to them with one hand, he's gripping the ship at the same time. Crazy, right? All of this save them ( That's what God does...every day, upon the many chances he grants us. Such mercy and grace. Why can't we not do that for each other?

Think of the people in  your life that are closest to you. When's the last time you've seen them? They've probably gotten busy with life (attending school, raising the kids, working on their marriage, etc.) and the time between you seeing them last and now is too vast in between. You send each other texts and posts on each other's Facebook pages, but when's the last time you all talked, face-to-face? That long, huh? Consider this. You might have more flexible time then they do, and if so, what about visiting their house? Shoot a text, asking if you could swing by tomorrow, later this week, or some time in the near future? If they have plans, they'll let you know, and I'm certain they would be willing to fit you in their schedule if possible. Their desire to see you is just as valid as yours concerning them. It's not that they don't want to be in your presence, but that life has gotten heavier and they need help carrying it. 

Our friends and family don't just need our assistance with moving furniture, but carrying the contents of their current situation to help build their future. That's what we're here to do. We're here to help. It's highly appreciative to receive a call or message from someone, asking, how's it going, bro? Return that gesture. You never know how much value it has until you release it. Some of us are dying from the inside and I'm not talking about cancer.  We're depressed, concerned about matters beyond our control, and just...trying to make it. We can't do it without each other. We're drowning, in a sense, like Lois, and we need someone to meet us where we are, in the water, unable to reach air unless we have a little help. 


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