Cut At The Root

Think about where you are now...and where you were that led you here. Could that have been avoided? If the answer is immediately yes, then why did you make the decision ? Sometimes, we convince ourselves that the worst decision is the best, saying the means to an end is well worth it. Most villains think that way. It justifies the actions of Thanos, General Zod, Ozymandias from Watchmen, and hundreds of others. They think of the greater good, but most of the time, it isn't the greatest choice because it only benefits them, or at least they assume it will. Think of everything it cost them. The outcomes have been horrific and life-threatening. Your situation may not be that extreme now, but probably will be if everything continues as is.

Are you fed up with financial issues and are aware of how to fix them (this is just an example)? You're repeating the same spending habits, yet swear on your pet's life that you will change come next paycheck. Well, all of your bills are due and you have to use what you have to pay them off before something gets cut off or taken away. Thinking back, you say, I could have stopped this from the beginning, but you didn't. The next best thing is to see where you currently stand. The tree you planted is not only spreading branches (as in affecting your entire life), but it's roots are getting deep, planting itself with means to stay. Do you want that to continue? If not, not only take out the chainsaw, but  get a excavator crane and remove it from your soil! Cut up the credit cards, stay off of Amazon for a while, stop eating out and stay in for home-cooked meals, and instead of buying clothes, wear what you have. You have to do what's necessary so that bigger changes can occur.

Years back, I had a sebaceous cyst growing on my back. It had been there for years. I won't go into more details, but let's just say I got it removed...for good. The doctor had to remove the sac rooted in my body. He numbed the area before doing the procedure, but I could feel the tugging. It took effort, more than it should have. Had I gone to the doctor initially, the process might have been easier. Now that it's full embodiment has been discarded, all that's left is a scar and wisdom. Sometimes, it's best that we feel the burn before we know that touching the stove is not the best thing, but what if you can prevent yourself from being burned in the future? I'm certain you would take on the offer of stopping the problem where it starts so that you won't have a terrible finish


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