It's Not Your Job
How often have we seen movies that we didn't like? The perfect example for me is Batman vs. Superman. I hated that movie because it was nothing like I thought it should be. If the director was to ask for my opinion, I would certainly give it, but, they haven't and probably never will. It wasn't my job to inform them of how that movie should have been produced. Things would have been very different if I was given creative liberty to showcase one of the biggest duos in comic book history, but I wasn't. Those shoes weren't meant for me to wear. Accepting that is easy, but what about trying to control things that are dear to our hearts, like situations and most importantly, people.
We all know someone or some people we would love to give complete makeovers to (concerning attitude, spiritual temperament, etc.). It's easy to notice those things from the outside, but how often do we consider what's going on internally for them? We never think of wearing their shoes and trying to do things a different way when that itself may not be an option. The responsibility to help someone grow as an individual, whether 25 or 52, is not up to us, but God. He's aware of the details in relation to the children He created, not us. We assume all can be answered upon first glance, but the issues flow deeper. We as human beings are skilled in hiding secrets. Many of them will be taken to our graves or spilled out on the notepad of a therapist. Who are we to try speeding up the process of anyone's evolution?
Imagine someone placing you on large table. They begin to make markings on your body, deciding what to chip away. Sounds like the beginning stage of a plastic surgeon's work, but this is what we do when we place people on metaphoric platforms to form into whatever we think they should be. What gives us the right? We choose to zero in on other people's journey while ignoring the distractions and destructive obstacles in our own. How often are we willing to address our own problems opposed to handling that of others? It's time that we pay attention to what's directly in eye view opposed to something beyond our jurisdiction. Giving advice is one thing, but imposing it, making them assume there's no other way is another.
My box consist of God, my wife, and our legacy. That has higher regards in comparison to anything else. They have hierarchy over my mom, sisters, art, and work. I believe God will set things up so that all is inclusive, but there's nothing above our domain. We can only change the world by being the change we wish to see in it. Let us act and not intrude with disrespect and depreciation of a human being. We were made to love like God loves us, even when it's not returned. Loving from a distance is probably best in some circumstances, especially when attempting to prevent self-harm. Don't worry about them. They are loved and learning how to apply that to their lives. It only looks ugly when one tries to do so from a human's perspective, so lets strive to see them through His eyes and not our own.
We all know someone or some people we would love to give complete makeovers to (concerning attitude, spiritual temperament, etc.). It's easy to notice those things from the outside, but how often do we consider what's going on internally for them? We never think of wearing their shoes and trying to do things a different way when that itself may not be an option. The responsibility to help someone grow as an individual, whether 25 or 52, is not up to us, but God. He's aware of the details in relation to the children He created, not us. We assume all can be answered upon first glance, but the issues flow deeper. We as human beings are skilled in hiding secrets. Many of them will be taken to our graves or spilled out on the notepad of a therapist. Who are we to try speeding up the process of anyone's evolution?
Imagine someone placing you on large table. They begin to make markings on your body, deciding what to chip away. Sounds like the beginning stage of a plastic surgeon's work, but this is what we do when we place people on metaphoric platforms to form into whatever we think they should be. What gives us the right? We choose to zero in on other people's journey while ignoring the distractions and destructive obstacles in our own. How often are we willing to address our own problems opposed to handling that of others? It's time that we pay attention to what's directly in eye view opposed to something beyond our jurisdiction. Giving advice is one thing, but imposing it, making them assume there's no other way is another.
My box consist of God, my wife, and our legacy. That has higher regards in comparison to anything else. They have hierarchy over my mom, sisters, art, and work. I believe God will set things up so that all is inclusive, but there's nothing above our domain. We can only change the world by being the change we wish to see in it. Let us act and not intrude with disrespect and depreciation of a human being. We were made to love like God loves us, even when it's not returned. Loving from a distance is probably best in some circumstances, especially when attempting to prevent self-harm. Don't worry about them. They are loved and learning how to apply that to their lives. It only looks ugly when one tries to do so from a human's perspective, so lets strive to see them through His eyes and not our own.
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