Trying To Keep It Together

There's never a perfect time for anything. That's been proven on almost every occasion, especially when it comes to baring bad news. So much has happened since the beginning of the year. I can only mention those I am aware of witnessing, like the death of Kobe Bryant (including Gigi and the seven other passengers), the spreading of COVID-19 and the world under quarantine, and ultimately, the undeserved deaths of Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd. If you were to glance through the rapid feed of all social media platforms, you will see a plethora of inputs, sharp and soft. Spewing from all directions is the distasteful reality of dealing with discrimination and disagreeing point of views. 

Many want to blame others and others don't wish to take responsibility for contributing towards the problem. This is an overwhelming pot of emotional mess hard to avoid drowning in...if you care. We are protesting, marching down inner city streets, expressing our dislike for chronic issues dating back as far as our history books can recall. You would think that things would change in 2020, just like a married couple would assume family drama would cease once vows are exchanged. Nope! Here we are, dealing with the same issues as civil rights activists in the fifties and sixties. Here we are, witnessing people think they have the right to dictate the fate of a human being with an immense sense of entitlement , especially since we have a president who mimics the same behavior.

I wish I had the words to ease everyone's pain because this hurts. It's a cancer that keeps resurfacing, despite the chemo disguised as conversations of reconciliation and governmental progress (or lack there of, in this case). My question is similar to that of trying to figure out the impulse of a killer: what makes you think it is okay to murder? Are we taught to hate? The truth is some of us are. There are families instilling biases in the hearts of their children, not challenging them to form their own opinions or even seek that of others to broaden their perspectives. No one's checking each other. There's a line from Robin Hood (Disney version) where Prince John yells "Off with his head!", despite the nature of Robin Hood who wants to give back to the people what's being taken from them. There's a lack of concern when you're use to looking down on people, assuming you are greater than they are. 

I like referring back to Jesus at the well with the Samaritan woman (John 4). Jesus simply asks if she could give him a drink, by which she responded, You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink? He answered back, If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water. In other words, if you would seek something greater than what you've been taught, you would find value in something worth far more than a misunderstanding. God is the ultimate solution in this case like any other, but for most of us, it's not that simple. We fight physical situations with physical weapons. When that's done, both sides lose every time because nothing is gained...but revenge

I have my personal opinion on all of this that has depths of disappointment, not just with those who are oppressing people of color, but others who cripple the human being in general, including my own culture. This particular blog post is not for that. I am writing to state the pain that is rippling through our throats as we fight for words to express the density of our dismay. When young black boys and girls look back on today, they will see the mistreatment of their race far more than anything else. They will grow up knowing opposition will come their way simply because of the color of their skin. They will recall the conversations held at the dinner table more in-depth than TicTok videos. They will remember the seriousness on their parents' faces, the type of look they get before being disciplined. The question they may ask is, how do we stop it? How do we get others to appreciate life as much as we do? Honestly, many will and many will not

We can't control human beings. Even God can't interfere simply because it's against His truth with giving man free will. If I could offer anything, it's to remind you that He's never left. He's still here, watching, maneuvering. He hears the cries and sees the blood. God created man, but He didn't create these laws failing to protect them. We have to fight as much as we can to maintain the value of life because based off the street market of black bodies these days, the value is depleting.The resolution I offer as an individual is that change is coming. Will we witness it? That's totally up to us. We're stuck in the cycle from which we refuse to remove ourselves. Let's say no to tradition and yes to transformation


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