Losing to Gain

I'm not much of a Jay-Z fan, but one my favorite songs (I only like two out of his entire collection) is "Lost One" from his album Kingdom Come (2006). Each lyric is pertaining to a particular aspect of his life. The first being with His record label, the second pertaining to his relationship with Beyonce, and the last speaking on the the death of his nephew. It wasn't until recently that the second verse really caught my attention. I'm going to post it below so that you can get a feel for what I'm going to discuss briefly:

I don't think it's meant to be, B
But she loves her work more than she does me
And honestly, at twenty three
I would probably love my work more than I did she
So we ain't we, it's me and her
'Cause what she prefers over me is work
And that's where we differ
So I have to give her free time even if it hurts
So breathe, mami, it's deserved
You've been put on this earth
To be all you can be, like the reserves
And me? My time in the army, it's served
So I have to allow she, her time to serve
The time's now for her, in time, she'll mature
And maybe we can be we again like we were
Finally, my time's too short to share
And to ask her now, it ain't fair
So yeah, she lost one

                                                        -Jay Z, "Lost One"

At some point in their careers, their paths weren't crossing. Beyonce was doing her own thing as well as Jay-Z, and the concept of marriage and starting a family was far in the future. Jay-Z realized, with great maturity, that the present wasn't suitable for the current direction of their music.  He knew that in the future, an opportunity will arise where their careers wouldn't appear as walls separating them from getting what they desire. Their marriage, currently, probably wouldn't be a great example of something to look forward to according to the tabloids and Facebook posts, but it's a concept worth considering. We should all apply this lyric to our courting relationships. We may be involved with someone we really care about, subliminally or openly begging for their attention, yet being denied due to work, school or great interest in hobbies and personal interest. Distance can also play a factor in separation of affection.  When one lacks such an important part of the relationship, there is void, unfilled, longing to have that need met, sometime offering no accommodations. If the relationship is what you really want, considering all sacrifices and possibilities, then you must " give her free time even if it hurts" (of course "him" if it's a male). 

The best thing to do is remove yourself from the line of individuals longing for their affection. Not only does it lighten their load, but it exposes you to your own personal void, depending on how devastated this decision leaves you. Believe it or not, that consistent void we do feel is purposely meant for God to fill. Someone once informed me that the pupil of our eyes are actually black holes. It presents this idea that we're forever trying to fill it, yet it constantly leaks because nothing on earth can properly fill it(not your family, friends, job, hobbies, or addictions). 

It's difficult not to be selfish.  Some of the kindest individuals you'll ever meet have a trait of self-desires that surface a few times in their lives. It's the body's way of reminding the soul that it too exist and hungers for food. We hunger for that connection with the ones we love, but having full access isn't always promised. During that time of separation, spend more time with God if you can. I'm struggling with that myself, trying my best to make time for Him and I since I'm eager to do that with everyone else. In Jay-Z's case, you lose one to gain more. You will not get what you want immediately, but through time and consistency, you will with great appreciation.   


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