Bored With God?

Sometimes, I get bored with God, specifically now days. Sitting here at a computer isn't helping much. Reading my devotion reminded me I am nothing without Him, but why do I feel the opposite at the moment? Some if not most Christians make God out to be some fireworks show in the height of night, exploding into disappearing stars in the sky. He can be loud and in your face with his doings when He wants to be. Looks like not much of the spectacular going on during this pandemic. Right now, I hear the ticking of my watch. It's the loudest watch I have, yet one of my favorites because of the color scheme (black and red). It's reminding me no matter what I do, time moves forward. It won't wait, halt or slow down. It's steady, persistent, deliberate. I'm waiting for God to move me like He did the other week. That was amazing. Maybe it's not Him who needs to get moving...but me.

Everything has been placed on pause. Productivity seems pointless at moments when the results don't reflect the previous ones. Our normal has been flipped, turned, and completely transformed. No more large gatherings or breathing without masks. Everything requires precautions because finally, human life is valued more than currency, especially when it cost much to keep alive. Living is great, but how can it be when there's not much to do? We're use to streaming our attention, going anywhere we want with no second guess or first one. We're use to having everything we want with the right amount of cash and collateral  Now, we're stuck...with ourselves. We have to entertain, fix, redesign, examine...ourselves. I don't know about you, but that has been tough. Things would be easier if God did it swiftly and painlessly. How would we know how consistent He is if we didn't see Him during all seasons, especially the dry ones? I'm reading Psalm and it speaks of praising God during trials and discomfort. I feel stuck as I deplete my motivation. What will it take?

I was reminded God never changes. I thought He did at some aspect, but He didn't. He never has, never will. What does that say about us, especially since we're prone to sin? God doesn't alter, but we do. We must. Reminds me of Michael Jordan during the 90s. He was highly competitive and he wanted his teammates to share that hunger. If you were playing with Michael, you had to adapt to his rules, not yours, especially if you wanted to win. I want to be happy. I want progression. I want to never find Him boring again. That means I must change my perspective, shape it around His entity. Following His lead will guide me to exactly where I need to go. I'm reading Daily Strength for Men  by Chris Bolinger. It was a Christmas gift from my best man. Daily is the key word. Not weekly or monthly, but daily. Waking up is a blessing. That's God's doing. Getting up is a drive. That's mine. If He can open my eyes, I can look for light. If he can throw the alley oop, I  can catch it. Otherwise, why would he throw it? 


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