"You Can't Outwork A Bad Diet"-Possible Pat

If you haven't heard this guy's story, please do so at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVpQ3NOP7rA&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR02E_1-tq9Gj4IN9L5YOrCW0lru345t9Xr9XhivBL40I18mEgdO0QgD1A8. He's a very humble guy with a drive to continuously do better for himself and others. You hear all the time when you get tired and fed up, you change. Yesterday, while preparing my lunch for today, I realized the meal is all I was looking forward to experiencing. It wasn't my job and that is a problem. I do give myself credit for sticking this out while I boost my GPA to enter a MAT program at Augusta University. It may take a few semesters, but it's worth it (at least for me). If that part of my life is indeed consistent, what factors do I have control of so that my life has excitement? I only have one go at this, so why not enjoy the mess out of it!

Yesterday, I went live on Facebook/Instagram for a live poetry reading. The session was about an hour long, but it was a chance for me to do something different, something I fully enjoyed. Reading poetry that moves me never expires. Words mean so much to my everyday life because I get a chance to use them in several capacities (blog, podcast, poetry, conversation, etc.). Since God used them to create this world and remind us of His promises, one can understand how significant they are among other people. There was a setup in our dining room/ living room, consisting of a microphone and speaker. I miss the stage presence because behind that podium, I feel a great sense of responsibility, a sense of reverence. I don't get that while sitting at my desk, staring at my computer and tending to my tasks. I feel that if I wasn't filling that chair and someone else was, I wouldn't be missed. Being somewhere that makes you feel that devalued and unappreciated is heavy on the heart.

Possible Pat said the title line in the above video and it blew my mind. When we start exercising, we are so stuck on fast results from the intense cardio and weight lifting. We back-seat the life change we have to undergo, especially the most important part--the diet. Diets aren't all bad. When you look at it differently, it's more beneficial, especially for the long run. One must be reasonable with balancing all corners of wellness (psychological,  mental, physical, and spiritually). Eating right plays a part, for one can devour food based on how you feel.When you're sad, you eat, but once the sadness goes away, you're left with the weight...literally. Taking control of your emotions is far better important than trying to run 5 miles on a treadmill knowing you're hitting up Burger King later. Unless I tackle my inner battle, outside alterations will be in void. Some of the biggest disasters look pretty before things get ugly.

What are you doing to have your outsides match your insides? Whatever that is, invest in it. I started reading the bible more because I want to make sure my actions and words mirror that of God's. My life is not my own, especially now that I'm married. I can't outwork a bad life, my friends. Doing better is a necessity. Blaming the virus would be easy, but like my job, focusing on what I can do despite will be of great help. There are books to be read, poems to be edited, music to make, and a class to prepare for in the fall. My personal diet can need a little fixing, so I'll be tending to that as well. I want better for myself. I want better for others. Time to get the working. It's time to have more fun.


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