Helping Others

At times, we don't feel up to taking time out of our day just to lend somebody a hand, but if we don't, who will, right? Yeah, sometimes it appears to be out of our place to assist someone that is not our responsibility, but God's will IS our responsibility. We are placed here on earth to do his will and to enjoy life. I honestly don't believe that He intended for us to not enjoy ourselves. God is not a selfish God, but a very just one, a considerate one. You may not tell from the thousands of poeple dying all around you, including your closest friends and dearest siblings. Even the thought of losing my mom scares me because she's my best friend, but her dying is apart of a cycle that must take place in order for her to be in the presence of the Lord. We don't deserve to be treated with kindness or to be held in high regards. We as humans do acquire the potential to display mercy and grace, but our selfishness gets in the way, blocking our Godly nature and misdirecting our perspectives. We refuse to see light in such dark doings, instinctive actions that would claim us as borderline-animals. The true test is subsiding our natural desires to physically/psychologically harm each other based on revenge that is not up to us, but up to God ( Psalms 94:1). Yeah, it's easier said than done, but just think how happy He will be once he witnesses us resisting the devil. I saw a quote in Barnes and Noble (one of my two favorite book stores) and mentioned that we sould be the change we wish to see in the world. Stop complaining about how things are and do something about it, starting with lending a hand, even after the one in need of help spat in it.


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