
I thought of something today that I'm not sure if anybody considered, but probably have one way or another. I was about to take a shower after running when i thought about the X-Men. Now, X-Men is my favorite Marvel series (favorite Xmen are Wolverine and Beast) and I use to watch them back in the 90s when it had it's own television series every Saturday morning. One thing i noticed about Magneto (whom has the power to manipulate all metal) is his protective helmet to prevent mutants such as Xavier from tapping into his cerebral capacity, thus controlling his mind. When it comes to the power of God, Magneto represents the world and man's natural instinct to conquer all and control all, manipulate man-made material and Xavier represent's God's desire to get inside our heads, persuading us to do what is dignified and noble. The thing is that we're so focused on our man-made perspective that we have a tendency to block out God's  influential morality (thus comes the usage of the helmet). If we would just remove our helmets and allow God to work in us in the way he was intended to, then our lives will not be consumed with so much destruction, regret, and devastation. Yes, it's hard to do when you have so many psychological/physical/emotional obstacles in your way, but allow God to not move those interferences, but grant you a path to get around them and through them, that way you end up stronger in the end than you were at the beginning.  Another thing I would like to add before I end this blog is that we should also be like The Juggernaut (also a villain of the Xmen) who has the power to become unstoppable once he builds enough momentum. Notice that I didn't say that he becomes a bit harder to stop. He becomes completely unstoppable. Philippians 4:13 says that we can do all things through Christ whom strengthens us. Having God as our driving force makes us indestructible.


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