Let it Burn!

So, what is burning inside of you at this moment? Is there anything compelling you to make a move, whether it's finding another job or ending a destructive relationship? I know for myself that something ignited in me about a month ago. I informed my fiance that the feeling I have now is similar to that which I had 2 and a half years back when I changed career paths...only stronger. We were sitting at a table, eating lunch. She know's how much of a savage I am when I'm hungry. Napkins must be present when I dig in because once the food is in my hands, my stomach gets anxious and my arms don't move fast enough. This time, I actually had to place my sandwich to the side, for what I was experiencing was more intense than my appetite. Looking into her eyes, I told her that I was tired. No nap was needed or vacation time off from work. My patience with the ongoing of my life was running out. Steam was spewing from my nostrils and nothing else mattered at that moment but saying exactly how I felt.

This is one of those instances where you notice that you're changing.  When you're a child, your clothes don't fit like they use to, your voice fluctuates, and puberty feels like you're turning into an exotic animal. Adulthood is different because the alternations are more noticeable and particular.  Plus, it's easy to identify the source. If you're sitting at your desk or in your car, thinking, how did I get here and how can I  make things better, then that fire has finally reached the top floor in your spiritual house. You want to leap from a window because the desperation is more intense than the flames. Trust me, I know.

Right, now I've got an immense want to write. It's not just traditional poetry or attempts at making short stories, but writing Hip-Hop lyrics about this anger. We're not talking about Hulk-smashing-displeasure, but the restless type where I lose sleep, throwing words at a notepad until I force myself to sink into darkness and close my eyes. Things are not where they should be, I say to myself often these days. This can be largely due to what I see happening around me in reference to people I know. Comparing lives is probably just as trendy as internet trolling. The only difference is that the self-destruction is more direct than talking badly about someone. Diminishing what you have is like thanking God for screwing up your life. It's if He didn't get it right...and we know how. Not in the least.

Maybe this is what God wants to happen. Maybe he wants me to start flipping over tables in my life where my domain is being used for something else other than it's purpose (Matthew 21: 12). I don't have to hurt anyone. Breaking conventional rules is something many of us shy away from because of what others may think. No more hesitation. It's time to take chances. It's time to be risk-takers. If God is a sure bet, what is stopping us? That fire you feel under your butt is actually in your heart. Do something about it before somebody else does. They just might kill it. Become might where you stand and mightier where you fall. Don't be afraid of the smoke rising or the sound of internal wood popping ash into the air. When we think of fire, we think of danger. When God thinks of fire, he thinks of desire. There's a longing pulsing in your spirit. Fulfill it!


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