Thanos, The Father (SPOILER ALERT!)

So a local artist of Augusta, Georgia by the name of Topher (Instagram: @tophertownmusic) brought something to my attention as we were discussing the latest film, Avengers: Infinity War. Of course, we loved the movie and all it's glory, including most of the  Marvel characters represented. One character in particular we addressed was Thanos, the possessor of the gauntlet who aimed to collect all six infinity stones.  Thanos, in the process of acquiring the stones, made several decisions that to the average person was disheartening, callous, and non-apologetic. One thing he did in particular to acquire the Soul Stone was to kill his daughter, Gamora. When looking at this objectively, you ask yourself, how can a father do such a thing to his child, especially one he cared for so deeply.

Thanos said to Gamora before tossing her offer the cliff, I ignored my destiny once. I can not do that again. Tears begin to fall down Thanos' face, for he is informed that in order to obtain the stone, he must sacrifice a soul, for the deal is a soul for a soul. Thanos proceeded to grab Gamora as she screamed for him to cease action. You would have thought that at some point, he would have stopped, but he continued. You could tell that it hurt him to kill his child. Topher pointed out the biblical references in the film concerning the book of Revelation. The idea of the number seven can still be applied, for after gaining all stones, the seventh step was for Thanos to snap his fingers in order to complete his plan. Topher mentioned the connection between Thanos' choice to sacrifice his daughter and that of God in the new Testament. Topher was referencing the process of God sending "His only begotten son" for the sake of the world, for He loves us that much. We were once removed from God's presence. God couldn't allow that to continue.

Can you imagine, as a parent, having to make that choice, whether it's for good or bad? Think of taking our child by the hand with a higher goal in mind, leading them towards a death of your choosing, thinking, this has to happen.  You're choosing one life for billions and more to come. Thanos wanted to kill and make room for improvement. God wanted to save and make room for love. That's all He wanted. This is why it was easy to sympathize with Thanos as a parent, for we are aware of what extremes a father is willing to experience to exercise his love. We may not understand it or choose to accept it, but God wants the best for all us, even if it meant doing something that could hurt Himself.

I was blown away by this concept. I would have never viewed it that way. The older I get, the easier it is to see a film as a conceptual piece, layered with encouraging gems to apply to life. I love the direction film is taking these days. It's not just about fame and box office sales. It's about reaching the audience. I'm certain many cried when Avengers were dying off , disappearing in the wind. I'm sure you felt bad for Peter Parker as he fell into Tony's hands, but the initial decision to have Gamora, daughter of Thanos, disposed of for a higher calling was the hardest thing to accept. Thanos was asked by Gamora in a dream state after all was done, Did you do it?  Thanos answered, yes, by which Gamora followed with, what did it cost? Thanos answered sadly, everything.

We are everything to God. He's willing to forgive us, grant us mercy and grace. He listens to our prayers, collects our tears, and takes note of our fears. He comforts us in dark places and encourages us when we're at the bottom of a situation. He's willing to do what it takes to get you back in good standings with Him. That's what type of father God is. He doesn't need six stones, but one opportunity to remind us of how much we mean to Him.


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