Your Job Vs. Your Purpose
At times, in life, it comes to that point where we are in desperate need of CHANGE. It can be amongst our friends, family, and even our jobs or careers. We grow up as children with this idealistic perspective that things will be fine and we will not be derailed by any challenges; that everything will be smooth sailing when it comes to doing what we want for the rest of our lives. Trust me, not even God said that this life will be easy and his son walked the earth for 35 years. At our jobs, we face challenges everyday, and most of the time, its our COWORKERS that cause the most stress. Now, that comes with every job, sports, entertainment, retail, etc. Dealing with them can be stressful, but it's quite necessary. Have you ever considered that God placed us in certain positions not only to better ourselves, but the people that surround us? When we become lights for God to navigate upon the dark roads of this world, we're able to see those who are lost, lending them both of our hands so that they can stand up again in a way that He intended them to. Most of us are at what some may deem as dead-end jobs where there appears to be no forward movement or source of advancement. It is then that after so many years of complacency, we feel that strong itch to escape in search for something more challenging. Remember, if it's God's will, that promotion (whether there or another job) will take place. I think of Proverbs 3:6 (which I'm sure I've mentioned before) when he ask that we acknowledge him in all we do and he will straighten our path. Yes, it's hard to do when your boss is breathing down your neck, your employees are gossiping behind your back, and your customers are degrading your intelligence and trying to destroy your integrity, but through God, not only can you plow right on through those discouragements, but you can use them for fuel, driving your soul to continue to strive for your ultimate potential and place your self in a more productive predicament. As a friend, i ask that you be patient, wait upon the Lord, but at the same time strive for what you want. God helps those who help themselves. Sometimes there's a difference between what YOU want and what GOD wants FOR you. It may be your job to work 8 hours a day, but it's your purpose to acknowledge him and be a light for all to see in this dark world because without it it, people will walk blindly in their own psychological cubical.
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