Have you ever asked yourself what your talent was? Do you remember the talent shows they had back in elementary school and on up to high school where students from all ages and cultural back grounds displayed what they were very good at or simply one of their many talents? I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one that asked myself while that was going on, "If I was to perform, what would my talent be?" It wasn't until my senior year that I came to the conclusion that the one thing God gave me that I could manipulate so well and make a positive impact is my imagination. Since I am an Literature major, you would assume it would be writing, but the thing is I incorporate my imagination into my writing and run with it more than any other source of medium (art, music, dance, etc.). A manager at my job once told me that if I could find a way to make money doing what I love doing, then I would probably be doing it for the rest of my life, and enjoy it in the process. Writing...isn't a non-realistic dream. Thinking that just because I write short stories and poems and have gathered huge collections over the years, yet has not attempted to get them professionally revised or published IS non-realistic. By the way, just because you view things from a realistic point of view DOESN'T mean that you have a worldly perspective. How do you expect God to help you if you're not trying your best? Sometimes, He exhibits grace upon us, despite our slothfulness, and assist us anyway, giving us something we obviously don't deserve. Don't expect Him to do all the work. When I was twenty-one, I knew that if I wanted to get better as a writer, that I would need the proper education and mental discipline to practice with attempts to make perfect. So, I applied for college. Not everybody has to go to college, but to be REALISTIC, if you would like to get paid more and earn more credentials, get a degree. Trust me, with God's help, you can beat man at his own game without you having to play it! Yeah, I got a little side tracked, but it's all relevant. Once you find out what your talent is, harvest it. Practice your craft until it becomes easy, and at that moment, challenge yourself. Do difficult things to sharpen your gift and allow the Holy Spirit to work through you so that your talent can be a means by which God's influence is filtered. Not only do I want to write so that I can give my imagination a world to exist in, but so that I can influence other people to share their thoughts and dreams and remember why God made them in the first place-to glorify Him and spread his word. Whatever you do well, do it with your heart and with the right intentions, God will not only bless you, but those who see Him through what you do.
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